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We have been providing the U.S. Coast Guard with regulation embroidered name tapes since 1969! We are one of the premier suppliers of uniform Name Tapes to the U.S. Military. Choose from our selection below. Order online or call us at 1-800-626-3827.We also offer Coast Guard Flight Suit Name Tags at

We have partnered with to provide you the world's finest U.S. Coast Guard plaqueswooden flight wingsCoast Guard shadow boxesmilitary tail flash plaques, Coast Guard Desk Name Plates, squardron & deployment plaquesgovernment agency seals and more!

Coast Guard ODU
Coast Guard ODU Uniform
Coast Guard CUU Woodland
Coast Guard CUU Woodland Uniform
Coast Guard CUU Desert
Coast Guard CUU Desert Uniform
Coast Guard Dress Uniform
Coast Guard Dress Uniform
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